I admit that I need to do a better job of recapping my travel adventures sooner than a month after they’ve occurred. I’ll work on that. But almost a month ago, during the Thanksgiving holidays, my boyfriend and I hopped on a plan to explore Toronto. It was very gloomy, rainy, & cold when we arrived, but we didn’t let that ruin anything. One thing that traveling has helped me to do is accept things as they are and to make the best out of what seems like an undesirable situation.

The hotel was extremely beautiful. Once a bank some years ago, is now One King West hotel. Besides the amazing detail, art, and ambience of the hotel, (oh and the perfect rooms), an interesting fact is that the vault is still located on the hotel.The hotel was located right in front of the subway, within walking distance of everything thing, and close enough to everything to have $6 Uber rides. We couldn’t have picked a better place.

Our first night was spent exploring the city on foot. In the rain. In the cold. But after the first two blocks, our bodies adjusted. Downtown Toronto reminded me of New York City — or at least how New York City is portrayed on the screens considering I’ve never been. #SaveYourJudgement The people, the buildings, the pace.

Later on, we had dinner at the CN Tower. This is a visit that I would definitely recommend on a CLEAR day/night. I had every intention to enjoy dining in a revolving restaurant that allowed me to get a panoramic view of the city, but the weather had other plans. It was extremely foggy and the only view I had was that of a white haze.

I was beyond disappointed, but at least the food was good. Actually, the food was AMAZING and the perfect non-traditional Thanksgiving meal. I started with an appetizer — House Smoked Atlantic Salmon with caper berries, dark rye, creamed goat cheese, and pickled red onions.

I ordered the 45 day aged Alberta Prime Rib of Beef as my main course. It was paired with Yukon Gold potato and smoked Cheddar gratin, marrow jus, and roasted root vegetables. I have never tasted a steak that honestly felt like butter in my mouth. The salad was divine as well. Everything fresh. A 2-course meal costs around $65, just a heads up.

Friday was spent grabbing brunch at a cute little spot called Eggspectation. Amazing food for a moderate price and within walking distance from our hotel. After brunch, we headed to the mall to do a little shopping. Totally forgot that Friday was going to be busy, but it was definitely bareable. Eaton Centre Mall was decorated so lovely and reminded me a lot of the Houston’s Galleria. I’m not sure which is bigger.

We ended Friday even at the Mysteriously Yours Mystery Theater, which was a first for me. The food wasn’t the best, especially compared to what Ive eaten before, but the entertainment was satisfying. I even solved the murder.

The next day, which was our last full day in Toronto, we woke up early so we could go to the airport to pick up a rental to drive out to Niagra Falls. We took the Go Train to the airport and upon our travels, we realized that this method, along with the subway, should have been our mode of travel versus an uber. Although Ubering isn’t expensive, I felt we would have had an even more authentic experience taking the subway around town.

Niagra Falls was beautiful. Beautiful. I could have literally watched it all day. I am always drawn to water, so maybe that’s why, but I was so amazed at how beautiful it looked — both the Canadian and the American side. There’s also a cute little town that’s available for shopping and touring. This was truly the highlight of my trip.

Overall, Toronto was great. It was a city that I randomly decided to go to because I had never been before. I’ll probably revisit it again, not anytime soon for my own personal reasons, but it’s worth revisiting in the future.
December 17, 2016 at 1:07 pmWow all of the pictures are lovely! I need to start making plans to travel more, that’s for sure. I’m just always so engrossed in other things. I recently took an uber for the first time. The idea of them use to scare me a bit lol But it wasn’t so bad I suppose.
December 17, 2016 at 3:33 pmI used to feel that same way about Ubers. And after the first time I tried it while in New Orleans, I found it soooo convenient. UberEats is pretty cool too.
And sometimes you just have to just go. Yanno? I will warn you.. traveling is VERY addictive!
December 18, 2016 at 6:03 amI seriously live my life through you and other another blogger when it comes to travel lol. I can’t wait to be able to travel more. Hopefully my time will come next year.
December 18, 2016 at 10:15 amWhenever you start, you won’t be able to stop. LOL! My whole lifestyle and the way I spend money has changed. I only wish I would have done this sooner. LOL!
December 18, 2016 at 1:39 pmOMGGG! So pretty! I’m so jelly. I can’t wait to start traveling. Now I just need to replace my passport.
You’re an amazing photographer. The photos look AMAZING!!
Amanda Nicole
December 18, 2016 at 9:22 pmGood ol Toronto. I remember spending a few summers in Toronto and Ontario with my mothers side of the family. It’s been years. But I do remember Niagara Falls. I wanted to visit a few months ago but other things happened. I’m glad that you enjoyed the trip. You and your boo need to come out to New York, It’s decent (because I’m from here). I miss it when I’m away too long. Hopefully I’ll be seeing you two in New York in 2017 because I am planning my way to the south in the summer I need to see the french quarter.
December 18, 2016 at 10:07 pmNew York is definitely on the list. I have YET to see a broadway play and it’s something that I want to see. The Lion King is coming to New Orleans, but I still want to get that true experience, yanno?
And let me know when you come down to New Orleans!
December 19, 2016 at 6:25 amI love Toronto too. I went in 2010 and told myself I’d go a few years later and haven’t been back yet. I need to make it a goal or something. And I agree, there are some similarities between downtown Toronto and NYC.
I have yet to visit Niagara Falls. Another thing I must add to the list. I just wish there was more time (and money) to see all that I want to see! Your pictures are fantastic!
December 19, 2016 at 11:12 amSummer time Toronto is on my to visit list! It looks like a movie scene in all the pics you posted!! I cant wait to go back to NYC. We should do Afro Punk together or find another festival or event happening in New York for 2017. That place is like home to me now.. LOVE IT!
December 19, 2016 at 12:10 pmI am so, so, SO down for Afro Punk!!!
Disa Chantel
December 21, 2016 at 8:00 amI’ve been wanting to do a Mystery Dinner for aaaaages.
This looked like a great trip! I love that you guys chose to walk around outside despite the cold and rainy weather; it sounds so romantic!
December 23, 2016 at 8:57 amOh my god! I love the pictures you know I’ve been living my life through you since you started traveling this year love. Toronto is actually where I plan to go for my 29th birthday next year. Have you tried Airbnb? If so you know I would love to see a post on recently traveling…websites you use for planes, hotels, etc.
I loved your most recent post on traveling with children because lord my child is one of those “are we there yet” children, lol.
December 23, 2016 at 8:09 pmI actually have one drafted that I need to finish. So I’ll get that out soon.
January 6, 2017 at 9:23 pmWow! I love the mood of these photos. Your trip looks amazing and Niagra Falls is breathtaking. I love reading your travel stories. Can’t wait to read more!
January 12, 2017 at 9:57 pmLoving all of the pictures. Toronto was delicious. I agree with the water. I could sit near that big ol lake downtown forever. I think your view from the Canadian side (??) is better than what I seen in NY. I’m dying to go back to have a couple days to explore.