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Rest, Reset, GO!

There’s a pile in the nook area of my kitchen. We’ve designated this space as the place where things go that need to go–donations, recyclables, etc. It works out perfectly because it doesn’t take long before it becomes an eyesore which means that this spot is cleared quickly and often. Decluttering with intent has been a success thus far, and I’m amazed at my progress in such a short amount of time. With less stuff to clean, launder, and store means more rest, relaxation, and a calm mind. I love it here.  ...


To Sum It All Up

If I had to sum up this year, I would say that it was arduous. It was hard for me. Simply put. The fragility of my mental state was concerning. After losing a loved one so young, death consumed my thoughts. It seemed impossible to escape this sadness that shrouded me constantly. But I guess it is true that all you need is a mustard seed’s worth of faith.. because that’s all I had left. It’s been hard to express my deep thoughts in this space. Because I get teary-eyed and my emotions overwhelm me to the point that I  ...


Doing What Needs to be Done

Yesterday I cut my hair. I decided it needed to be done a while back after seeing all the damage I caused to it by not taking care of it properly. Depressive episodes over the summer results in going days without combing my hair. I simply did not have the time, patience, and energy to deal with it at its thickness and length. And I knew that in order for me to grow it out healthily again, I had to lose some inches. It was such a sense of relief when I saw the finished look. Apparently, CoCo Chanel was on to something when those words were  ...