When it comes to how the world receives their entertainment on the go, podcasts seem to be the new wave. The Read was the first podcast that I've ever listened to and it was the only one for a long time. But since my discovery, I’ve been listening to a lot of different podcasts that have helped me in different ways -- whether to inspire, motivate, and teach me a new skill or if for just pure entertainment. I wanted to share a few of my favorite podcasts with you with the hopes that they'll allow you to power through the rest of your week.
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I probably spend way too much time on the Internet. I often find myself savings links and articles to Pocket with the intent on reading it and sharing it later. So since I’m in the habit of getting things done and not creating a queue or tasks all 2018, I’ve decided to begin sharing all that I find here within this space. Plus, I’ll be headed to Boston for the weekend for the first time so hopefully, it’d aid in preventing things from getting a bit too quiet around here. Black Panther is Everything We’ve Ever ...
It’s finally beginning to feel like Autumn here in Louisiana as temps are steadily lowering. We’re still having a few days where we need air conditioning, but I’m enjoying these days nonetheless. 1. Arrow | 2. 1440 | 3. Dana Buchman | 4. Old Navy | 5. Private Club | 6. Oscar de la Renta | 7. A Line by Anne Klein So since it finally feels like Autumn, after reading Vanessa’s post over at Grace and Gratitude about sweaters, and since The Neighbourhood’s Sweater Weather is constantly in rotation on XM (which I ...