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Life, Wanderlust

A Week in Tennessee

A 10-hour drive led us to Pigeon Forge, TN for a week. A week spent in the mountains enjoying 10U baseball tournaments and most importantly, family. It was my first time visiting the Smoky Mountain Range and it was everything I thought it would be. Majestic. Vast. Ethereal. A beautiful reminder that I need more of this. It took a little bit out of me when we had to load up the vehicle and head back home. Because I couldn’t think of a place back home where I could briskly walk with such a deep incline that set my glutes, quads, and  ...

Career, Wanderlust

Unpopular Opinion: I’m NOT Quitting My Job to Travel the World

There's a commonality amongst the Instagram profiles of travel influencers. They showcase an assortment of pictures, all with a similar aesthetic and theme: a little VSCO, wide smiles, tagged geolocations, all accompanied by an extended caption about opting out of Corporate America to travel the world and the happiness that immediately followed. Some of these influencers offer free advice on how you can do the same. Some have guides and hold seminars for a fee. And then there are those who just flat out shame you while drawing a parallel  ...

Life, Wanderlust

4 Days A Bajan – Oistins, Barbados

Last month, I spent some time in Barbados, enjoying the Bajan sun with my good sis Fal celebrating life. Fal had just finished publishing her first book, Ode, a few months ago and it finally sank into my mental that I got a whole ass Master’s degree in Computer Science. Having the time to truly relax allowed the both of us a moment to fully gauge just how gravitational our accomplishments were.