Kinda got this idea while looking at one of Disa’s IG posts that graced my timeline. I spend A LOT of time on Twitter, mainly because I have access to so much information packaged in tiny bites that are delivered instantaneously and on-demand. That being the case, I heavily use the bookmarking feature when I see a topic that is interesting and I want to do a deep dive into when I have more time to digest all the info. Here are a few that I’ve saved over the last few months and I’m sharing them here because it’s always fun when you have company as you dive into rabbit holes.

The Great Walls of China Benin

The Breakfast Scam

Racism & Food

Bezos & His Money

Birds Aren’t Real

Cretaceous, The Black Belt, and Voting in the South

I hope this provides a break from all of the election coverage. I’m spending the weekend organizing, finishing Grand Army, and taking a break from social media. It’s been quite a week.

  1. Daenel

    November 6, 2020 at 7:50 pm

    Ohhhhhhhh now I must carve out some time this weekend.

  2. Disa Chantel

    November 9, 2020 at 1:32 pm

    omg at birds aren’t real!! that one was a wild ride when i first heard about it this summer.
    and The Breakfast Construct and Diamond Engagement Rings are my favorite successful marketing scams, ever.

  3. Amanda

    November 11, 2020 at 8:34 pm

    OMG… I’m looking at all kinds of trash of twitter… I’m following all of this!

  4. KAY

    November 16, 2020 at 1:27 pm

    The trash that circulate the internet fries your brain. The fact that most people believe what’s published because it’s on the internet scares me to bits. Whenever someone repeats false information and call it truth makes my face tell it all. Twitter is for chuckles and a few eyebrow raises. I dig it!

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