Last week, my daughter returned to school to begin her student life as a first grader. She was excited, I was excited and the teachers were also excited to see her again. We got a head start on meeting and introducing ourselves to her teacher before the first day of school crowd. I wanted her to know where her class was rather than waiting on the first day, roaming the halls along with other lost parents and Kindergarten to 6th grade students. We walked down the halls with confidence and pride, bee-lining through everyone else trying to find out where their kids’ classes were. *Pats self on the back.*

We arrived at her school, with Little Big Brother in tow, and we all ate breakfast together and then headed to her classroom. I helped her unpack, but she seemed to have it altogether so I just stood back and took pictures while she “prepared” herself for her first day in the classroom. I felt.. relieved. Her teacher left a good impression on me. I felt like my daughter was content. Happy. Safe.

These days, how many parents can actually say that they feel their child is safe at school? With so many cases of bullying, teasing, and other forms of violence by students against students, it’s evident that safety within the school is crucial. I’m a working mother and also a student so having that reassurance that she’ll be okay while I’m on the opposite end of town calms me. I’m still. I’m happy.
I’m aware that you can never prepare for everything. It’s just not possible. While I’m hoping that I never have to deal with a situation in regards to my child’s safety, I try to make sure my daughter is filled with awareness. I believe she’s a smart little cookie and she generally retains information the first time around. We’ve talked about who she can call if she can’t get in touch with me. She knows their numbers, addresses, names, workplaces, etc. She knows who’s going to pick her up from school if I am unable to for one reason or another. On top of that, all of this information is available and updated when needed at the school.
We live in a world where stranger things are happening every day. And while this scares me.. while this constantly makes me worry and feel anxious, the only thing I can do is take all of the necessary precautions to keep my children as safe as possible.
What are some of the necessary precautions that you take when it comes to your children?
August 18, 2012 at 6:13 pmThis is true.
Your daughter is a real cutie!!!
August 18, 2012 at 8:50 pmI found you through Katrice at simplykatrice. You are very much like me, I worry about my child’s safety at school especially in today’s day and age. My daughter is only 4 and in special education for her speech and I worry about is the teacher treating her right and everything. Also while she is at school and I am at work. She looks so adorable and happy/excited! You got all her supplies down pack! With my daughter being in special ed and having a IEP, I get a meeting with the teacher 2-3 times a year which makes me content and aware of everything about the teacher and my daughter.
August 19, 2012 at 5:11 pmGreat job being ahead of things and getting her familiar with her classroom and stuff ahead of time. That is a great tactic to lessen any first day of school anxiety. She is so pretty!
Just Daisy
August 19, 2012 at 11:07 pmWow! I can’t believe its time for school already! Time really flies.
Your daughter is absolutely beautiful 🙂 I love her hair style takes me back to my young days.
P.S. Thanks for leaving that sweet comment too!
Alicia @MommyDelicious
August 20, 2012 at 12:09 pmShe looks so happy to be a first grader! Congrats to you and her. Wishing her a VERY successful year filled with laughter and learning!
August 20, 2012 at 9:14 pmI have been skeptical about my son at school since he first began. He has chronic asthma so anything can set him off. During his first year of school he had countless attacks, that probably wouldn’t have been so bad if he had been looked after properly. But the first few times his teacher didn’t even notice until he’d gotten so bad to the point where he’d puke and choke because his airways were severely constricted. It frustrated me. There was another time my sister went to pick my son up from school and he’d left already by himself. I was infuriated because his teacher allowed him to just leave. He didn’t go far, thankfully. He ended up on another side of the building in a second schoolyard with other students. My son knows not to go off with strangers, though. But he is very friendly so that worries me too. My daughter hasn’t started school yet but I fear for her greatly. She’s not as friendly as my son when it comes to people she doesn’t know so I’m not worried about that too much. But I do still worry.
Your daughter looks very beautiful and happy!
Chanel Jibal
August 21, 2012 at 6:02 amCongrats to her on her first day at school! She looks absolutely adorable! 🙂
August 21, 2012 at 7:34 pmFirst of all, she is beautiful!
But girl, I worry about my daughter so much. Having her in a safe school is super duper important to me and I don’t think I would be able to function properly if I ever thought for a second she was in bad hands.
Glad you feel comfortable with her teacher and school. Congrats to her on entering the 1st grade, I wish her luck in school!! XOXO
August 22, 2012 at 8:37 pmYou know I never thought about that, I would be worried about my child too, probably wayy more than you I think your worrying is normal =)
August 22, 2012 at 9:00 pmI am constantly worrying about my son at school, he just started kindergarten and we are in a new city. I am amazed at how great his new school turned out to be and I wish he could finish out the year here but as soon as my fiance is well enough we are going back to Albuquerque. His school has gone above and beyond to ensure my sons safety as well as making sure the right person is picking him up. I only hope the school in alb will be just as great.
August 24, 2012 at 7:06 pmYour site is so pretty. Happy first day of school week. I know ill be there soon. For now Ill enjoy the photos of your lovely daughter. So cute in her uniform. In terms of keeping her safe I think youre doing all the right things. Keep on raising a confident and aware daughter.
CeCe @Frugalista Married
August 27, 2012 at 6:57 pmHappy Back to school time! I know it’s so true. Even schools aren’t always safe these days and that’s super scary. Glad you feel good about your child and her school.
September 1, 2012 at 8:20 pmShe is too cute!
September 9, 2012 at 5:26 pmWhat a sweet face!