Today was rather eventful, or memorable I should say. I woke up and it felt different. I felt different. I felt like I needed to say something. Like I just needed to be heard. But since school was out, I had +2 with me. And while I’m listening to the “Stops” and the “I’m tellings!” along with the “Moves”, I pinched myself as a punishment for not casting my vote during the Early Voting period.

But two in tow wasn’t going to stop me.

We got dressed, packed a few snacks, and headed out the door. And then I thought, this is far from being a bummer. My children need to see this. And not to mention, they were just as excited as I was. After 45 minutes in the car, we arrive at the polling place for my area. (which was not really my area but because I forgot to change my address.. you know, nevermind. -_-)

As we were inside, I proceeded to have my credentials/identification confirmed and we sat and waited until it was my turn. There was hardly any wait time which was a good thing. Then, our name was called. I get up to walk behind the curtain and I hear two sets of footsteps behind me. And I think to myself, Why Not? and I let them in with me behind the curtain.

As I mentioned on Instagram, I think my kids asked me 1000 questions and I got around to answering close to 900 of those 1000 questions. Then there was that one question..

Mommy, who did you vote for?

I smiled and responded, “I voted for the person who has this country’s best interest in mind.

Whether he was a Republican or a Democrat was irrelevant to them and I didn’t want to confuse them. I think my response sufficed.

Rest, Reset, GO!
To Sum It All Up
Doing What Needs to be Done