Today was lengthy. It dragged.

It’s not like I did anything differently. Mondays & Wednesdays are usually the days where I am at work much earlier because I have to leave a little earlier for class. But that’s not what made today lengthy; it was the news I received about the mechanical work that may need to be done to my car.

Sure, my car still works.. quite well might I add. But apparently the compressor may need to be replaced sooner than I’d anticipated. And since my car is a 2010, go ahead and come up with your own estimates. If you’ve guessed over $1000, you’ve hit the nail on the head that sealed the coffin. Yea I went there.

I’m surprised my eyes are still functional after all my eye rolling. It seemed as though this particular mechanic was so quick to write it off as the most expensive thing without even driving the car to hear the noise. There is still a possibility that it can be the fan or the belt. He didn’t care. I’m a female. I couldn’t possibly know anything but what I’m told, which was how much it was to cure the noise that occurs when I drive. But he couldn’t even hear that noise. Because he didn’t even DRIVE the car. I just..


After that news, I just wanted the day to be over. Class seemed extra long today. I didn’t pay much attention. I understood the concepts, but I didn’t give much input towards our discussions like I usually do. I wanted to, but my mood didn’t permit me to.

The ride home was unusually quiet and peaceful. Scenic even. I noticed the Fall foliage that I had been waiting to see since October had finally made its debut. I stopped to enjoy it. And I guess in my idleness, I realized why this day had been so long.

Maybe I needed to be reminded how two years ago, I didn’t even have the money to fix all of the major mishaps that occurred with my first car. How I had to pray that my car started and hope that automotive annointment lasted for the day. I didn’t have the money and had no damn clue how I was going to get it to fix everything that needed to be fixed. All I had then was hope, faith, and a prayer. That’s all I had every. day. And here I am with the nerve to be upset because I have to spend money.. that I actually have.

I saw the beauty in the length of the day. Such a lethargic day with a purpose served well. It allowed me to record my life’s inventory and realize just how blessed I am.


..and so I can chase the ice cream truck and feast on the last days of cold treats with my children.

Take the time to take inventory of your life. You are blessed. YOU. ARE. BLESSED!

Rest, Reset, GO!
To Sum It All Up
Doing What Needs to be Done
  1. Valla

    October 3, 2013 at 1:20 pm

    Exactly how I felt today back at work and school and this day still feels like its moving in slow motion.

    Having a car is like a gift and a curse and I’m convinced of that lol. It’s a blessing to have transportation but a burden with all the extra expenses that comes along with it. but that’s the price we pay if we don’t want to do public transportation…. which actually I wouldn’t mind if i stayed in the city and only drive my car when needed.

  2. Melanie

    October 11, 2013 at 2:20 pm

    My husband and I have a deal…I go to the car mechanic by myself and he meets me there later…we like to see if things change once he gets there!! LOL little do they know that I probably know more about cars than my husband does.

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