Remember me? Although my presence around the blogosphere hasn’t been too apparent, I’ve been getting a lot of things done behind the scenes. February was good to me. I honestly can’t complain too much about all that has occurred. With all of the good, I’m finding it so much harder to focus on the few bad days that I’ve had.

I think my biggest accomplishment for February was my acceptance of an opportunity to teach Algebra I sessions to the underserved community, which I talked about in my previous post. I had so many doubts before accepting this duty, mainly because of my disdain for math altogether, but algebra is the only math that I sorta appreciate and enjoy. I was off this Saturday and every 4th Saturday of the month — which gives me ample time to lay in bed all day and watch House of Cards get my future lessons together and organize my lesson plans and prepare for March.

For March, I’m mostly planning for my sister’s wedding and getting my thesis together. I received some good news earlier last week where I may still be able to participate in our spring commencement ceremony. But if not, I’ll finish when I do. I’ve learned that theses cannot be rushed at. all. The thesis must be respected yall. I ain’t lying.
Besides those two things, and a few projects that I’ve been exerting much of my energy towards (I’ll go into detail at a later date), I really want to continue progressing in other aspects of my life.
+ Constant Release Therapy. I’m pulling this one from Dara and her February Goals post. I, too, get so involved with different projects–from teaching, to my full time job as an Application Test Analyst, to photoshoots, and this blog. I want to try to devote more time a week to all of my part time gigs.
+ Read More Books. According to my Currently Reading section to the right, I’ve been reading The Happiness Project for what.. a year now? LOL! Lately, the only things that I’ve had time to read are Release Notes for new builds, emails, and theses and white papers about robotics. I can typically read about 5 books in a weekend, but my day-to-day activities prevent me from reading as many. But I still want to at least read one book a week, or every other week if I can. At least then, I can get through my To Read stack that’s been resting for quite some time on my nightstand.
+ Physical Health. I haven’t been able to get to the gym like I’ve planned due to a root canal, but I have chosen cleaner and healthier foods to consume, increased my water intake, and I’ve been trying to get as much sleep as possible.

+ Financial Health. I’ve been doing a pretty good job with saving as much as I can. I’ve always been good at separating what we want versus what we need, but I’m much, much better at it. Probably because of my annoying, inconsiderate, loud, trashy neighbors — but that’s a post for another day. The disdain is SO real.
+ Mental & Spiritual Health. This has to be one of my most elite of goals every month. With everything that goes on around me, it’s SO easy to get distracted and let certain things affect you. I’ve decided to completely eliminate my social media intake during the week. And I wish I would have done it much sooner. It’s working so well that I may eventually delete all of them. (keyword: may) Doing this has left me with so much more time to get things done, the ability to be more focused and present in my moments, and has allowed me to escape from the nonsense.
I also created a planner back in December and it is working wonders for me. I think what I like most about the planner I created is my Gratitude section and my weekly page for Sundays to have my time with God. I’ll blog more about my reasoning at a later time as well.
Here’s to a new month. Happy March, guys! This year is truly flying!
March baby, be good to me!
The Indie
March 1, 2015 at 10:51 amHappy March babes! It sounds like you are quite the busy bee but I’m in total agreement with you and Darbie about putting energy towards smaller part time gigs as well because I’ve been neglecting a couple of passions because it’s easy to get lost in the whirlwind of obligations that demand so much from you. I’m with you on reading more and eating cleaner and healthier! That’s also a goal for this month (it was actually supposed to start at the first of the year but I got distracted by things that weren’t good for me lol). I love the inclusion of a gratitude journal in your life as well. It does wonders for the mind and spirit. I feel such a difference.
March 1, 2015 at 2:43 pmGoals be haunting me. I know I need them, but I move way too fast. Without them though, I’ve continually LOST.
March 1, 2015 at 11:34 pmI need to be more organized because I feel like my work life is overshadowing my after work life. I mean I do my best to own my weekends, but after work I barely even want to touch a book for pleasure or workout or eat more than cereal lol! I think March is the perfect time to get it together. I may need to try and cut down my social media time too, not only to save time but also sanity at times too. Happy March & I’m glad things are going well for you!!!!
Bee Lola
March 5, 2015 at 2:29 pmI don’t remember how I got to your blog sometime in the Fall of 2010, and it doesnt really matter other than I am forever grateful for crossing paths with you, albeit only virtually. Reading your posts every time causes me to self-reflect, and I truly admire how thankful you are, and how you forge and push through EVERY situation no matter what curveballs life throws at you. I used to tutor in college and I had to work with students on academic probation. The best part of the job was getting the students excited enough to where they actually got As and Bs! Keep living and letting us all be inspired by you!!! And if you are ever headed to Houston, we have to meet up!!!
March 10, 2015 at 5:38 amI love that your intentions are so intentional. Every thing you’ve written seems to serve a purpose and is not just something to be checked off a to do list. I need to be better at that because sometimes I think that I’m devoting attention to the wrong things for the wrong reasons. Thanks for that reminder and here’s to a happy and intentional March!