I’ve come here several times in the past few weeks with the intention of writing something to share in the space. The words escaped me every single time. There isn’t much new this way, just over here being the nerd that I am. But as I review the last entry, I feel it may be time for a quick update.


I’ve been volunteering to speaking at career events here and there. In February, I participated as a panelists at my university’s symposium, which I also make sure I’m present for. Earlier this month, I participated in a round-table discussion with high school students where I spoke about my career path. Last weekend, I attended a meet-up/conference where I spoke about the role mentoring has played in my life. I even left with really cool stickers. Besides all of the cool swag, I just love helping others in any way that I can. I take my social responsibilities seriously.

I’ve also been working on preparing for my own version of #100DaysofCode when I return from my trip. I wanted to be able to commit to this challenge without being interrupted for 2 weeks. I’m still on the fence on if I want to document my process here or somewhere else. I’ve been focused mainly on improving my Java skills and coding every day for the last two weeks has proven to be a big help, even if I’m rewriting some of my older and simpler programs.


I’ve spent hours in the thrift store scanning the bookshelves for books while asking the same question I always ask, “How could someone part with such a good read?” then thanking them for doing so. And I’ve been reading for pleasure like I promised I would do when I set goals for this year.


I’ve also been spending a lot more time outside now that the days are longer. And my last two weekends have been dedicated to to double brunch dates, making it out an Escape Room with my team, and game nights where Phase 10, UNO, and Spades left a few people heated and salty. Maybe these longer days have something to do with this influx of social outings. Whatever the case, I like it.

Besides preparing for a trip three weeks from now, that’s all I’ve been up to–increasing my productivity by being more self-disciplined while also taking the time to be present and enjoy that space I exist in.

Rest, Reset, GO!
To Sum It All Up
Doing What Needs to be Done
1 Comment
  1. Amanda Nicole

    April 2, 2019 at 6:16 pm

    I want to post a life update but my emotions have me on edge. I feel like I’m triggered more than I’ve ever been (possibly I’m more aware) and it just don’t want it in my little space on the internet. I am hoping to become more present in the upcoming weeks if the weather would warm up some. But Nerding is cool. I remember when coding was a hobby, maybe I’ll try again.

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