There have been several times that I’ve come here and just couldn’t get the words out. I even tried to just start typing with the hopes that what I was typing became sensible and cohesive along the way, but that didn’t work either. A variety of factors influenced the lethargic mood that I’ve made a resting place. Between work, prepping for back to school, trying to keep a house clean with 5 dogs, I haven’t had much time to do the things outside of work and parenting. My garden needs A LOT of TLC, but it’s still holding on despite all of this disrespectful heat. I’ve had every intention on making my return to the gym and/or walking in the mornings/evenings, but adulthood said otherwise.

Anyways, I’m spending this weekend entirely at home to organize my closet, catch up on blogs and youtube vids, do a deep home cleaning, finish two books and tackle the loads of laundry that seems to never end. And next weekend, I plan to do the exact same thing that’ll hopefully include more rest.

Rest, Reset, GO!
To Sum It All Up
Doing What Needs to be Done
  1. Disa Chantel

    August 18, 2019 at 4:34 am

    WAYMENIT – 5 dogs?! i didn’t know you had that many! i’d be sweeping/vacuuming every day… the dog hair accumulates so dang fast.

    1. Rae

      August 18, 2019 at 4:26 pm

      We didn’t know we had that many either! LOL! When we adopted the second dog last year, we were told she was spayed.
      And that turned out to be false AF! I plan on doing a blog post soon because the world needs to hear this. LOL!
      So yes, we have to clean daily due to their coats and untrained pups running around. Send prayers.

  2. April Rodea

    August 19, 2019 at 4:27 am

    Oh my, you have your hands full. Have a rest and hope you get enough sleep. And wow, you have 5 dogs. Having one is tough already. By the way, do recommend great series and book you’re reading/watching. 🙂

  3. Faith

    August 19, 2019 at 6:33 am

    I was just going to say that I had no idea you had five dogs (but saw your response above) … I knew you had dogs but didn’t know how many. Keeping a house tidy with the amount of hair that sheds … ahh, sending you prayers!
    The last few weekends have been busy for me and I’m looking forward to the weekend (sometime in September) where I just get to do exactly what you listed here. Any who, hope you were able to get some relaxation in! 🙂

  4. Daenel T.

    August 19, 2019 at 7:47 pm

    I’m sorry, but I laughed at the 5 dogs story. Girl. I would’ve cried. Then laughed. Because that’s some TV show stuff right there. LOL I hope you get some rest and peace.

  5. Amanda Nicole

    August 27, 2019 at 8:12 pm

    Who invented adulting? I’m over it. As per the comment section – lets really get the juice on these 5 dogs? Come again? I’ve made an effort to hit the gym on weekends and exercising when I’m away (Just got back from Cali and I finally did Runyon Canyon – My thighs). I really need to read. I just finished Tuesday’s with Morrie and need to get back in the groove of something else. Might do book shopping this weekend. What’s on your reading list?

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