I’ve been up for at least 2 hours now. My daughter is an early riser due to the bus schedule for school. I went to bed really early last night so I didn’t get the chance to do my last pump session before calling it a night. I would usually crawl right back into bed before it’s time to hop on my 8:30 conference call, but I’ve been trying to exclusively breastfeed for as long as I’m able to.
It’s been absolutely draining. Being hooked up to a machine for the majority of the day. And if I’m not attached to the electric pump, I’m walking around with my battery-powered pump or manual pump against me. But this is only the mentally draining part. There’s also the physical exhaustion from the breastfeeding itself. And lately, work has been a bit demanding so eating like I should to ensure milk production has been challenging.
The exhaustion doesn’t deter me from the process though. I absolutely LOVE the bond that I’ve been able to share with Baby Avery. The bond I was able to share with all of children, especially since there are a lot of women who aren’t able to do so. (and considering the challenges of my ancestors) For a short while, I didn’t think Avery would get the latching down because we had difficulty in the beginning. That resulted in cracked, bleeding, and sore nipples that was so painful to deal with coupled with the rest of body healing from childbirth. Nevertheless, we’ve found our groove. And that included upgrading our pump.
The process of relearning how to parent a newborn has been an interesting one. And I’m loving every single second of it.
October 13, 2020 at 5:04 pmTheres only a few things I whisper into the universe that doesn’t always align with my timing but let me tell you that GOD is usually right on his timing when it comes to my whispers. Quote me on this “I’m going to be somebody’s mother around 2023.” Breastfeeding causes me anxiety and I am not close to this part of my life, saying all this to say, I will be calling you and Disa up when IDK what I am doing! Glad it’s getting better and you and baby are doing well.
November 16, 2020 at 1:37 pmI’m excited for this journey. I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever carry again. I use to love the bond I had with Giselle when it was time to breastfeed and pump when she took her naps. I like the unorganized chaos of it all. Being a mom is so cool and empowering.
Disa Chantel
February 8, 2021 at 12:11 pmi am so late with this comment, but all i see is liquid gold in those first two pics. at this point, i have 3 electric breast pumps, one silicone pump, and one manual pump. it’s crazy how much of the newborn stage revolves around these titties!!