I grabbed my laptop and opened WordPress in haste. It took about 3 tries before I finally remembered the correct password to even login and get to the dashboard. I’ve just managed to put a 1-year-old down for a nap and have a few moments while my food finishes to come here and give some sort of an update. Life has really been lifin’ over here and I’m stressed. I’m exhausted. It’s been a long summer.. surviving RSV after one week of daycare. Contracting, fighting, and quarantining from Covid. Chauffeuring my daughter to and from work shifts that begin at 5:30 AM, and now, football practices and bus stops.

Somewhere in between naps, I manage to eat and get some work done. But sometimes I’m too exhausted where I end up falling asleep myself. Miraculously, I’m still able to meet my work deliverables. But knowing that I’m not able to give things my best takes a toll on me. I keep reminding myself how different things would be if we still weren’t battling a pandemic. How my days wouldn’t be so mentally exhausting and physically draining because I’m stretched so thin on the daily.

I’m working on trying to develop some sort of routine. And perhaps with that routine, there’ll be more blog posts. I always forget how therapeutic this little space can be. But as I develop this routine, I’m developing it with the understanding that I have to be ok with the fact that every day won’t necessarily be the same. That some days will be completely different from what I planned for and that’s ok.

I’m hoping that all of you out there are hanging in there. 🙂

Rest, Reset, GO!
To Sum It All Up
Doing What Needs to be Done
  1. Disa Chantel

    August 25, 2021 at 12:59 pm

    i feel all of this, like seriously. we are in the same boat. the daycare germs came with their fighting hands this summer!! i feel like there’s no way to give my all at work, or at home, or in my marriage all at once, and that is an ongoing reconciliation process. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS! sometimes just writing things out makes it a bit better.

    at the end of the day, as long as my work is done, my kids are fed, and the laundry is folded and put away, i call it a win.

    welcome back, babe.

  2. Amanda

    September 7, 2021 at 9:16 am

    Glad you’re back and better. It’s been a strange time for many. Wishing you more peace and rest-filled days.

  3. Kay

    September 30, 2021 at 8:37 pm

    Girl…it’s not like you aren’t superwoman herself. But all jokes aside, this pandemic is the new norm sis. I am standing firm in that belief. I’ve been running from this whole thing and Im not getting far because I work on the front line of it all. I have two kids myself in school, activities and the fact that they hate being in the house is enough to run me ragged. The anxiety I get when I swipe my badge to walk through the hospital doors. It’s nerve racking and draining to say the least.
    Who’s working? Did I miss something. Your daughter is old enough to work? Good grief. Time really is moving.

  4. Terin

    November 28, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Adulting and parenting is so hard. Living in a pandemic is the worst. Most days, I don’t know if I’m coming or going. I have to constantly remind myself that I’m doing the best that I can.
    I’m exhausted just reading about your life. For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished. You’re an inspiration. Here’s to finding balance and a routine that works for your life.

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