It’s been a while since I’ve updated this little end of the Internet. So much has happened that trying to give anything close to a recap makes my head spin. I don’t have the energy. 2022 is gone. I enjoyed it. I learned from it. And now I’m ready to see what 2023 has in store for me.
Before ’22 ended, I didn’t make it a point to carve out some time this month to really write down the goals and the word(s) that I have for myself this year. I haven’t done this in a while and it was always a practice that worked well for me during pre-pandemic days. It’s a practice that kept me centered, grounded, and focused.
If I had to sum up the tone I want to set for this year in just a few words, I’d use the terms self, soft, discipline, and beastmode. Using them all together, separately, and here and there throughout different parts of the year where needed. Last year, I began to set things in motion as I pulled myself out of the pandemic funk that still lingered from 2020. The last 2 years were defining. Revealing. And I’m taking all of that and turning it into fuel for what’s to come.