We had a garden when I was a young girl. So growing up, if we could produce it in our garden, that’s what we ate. If any of you have tasted fruit/veggies from a garden compared to the store, you know the difference in the taste is significant. When I was planning my path to homeownership, I knew I needed to have a yard that was big enough to allow a garden. And since I have that and have completely risen above procrastination, the first phase of my garden is complete.

My yard is seriously unlevel and after estimating the cost of leveling and tilling the area, I just didn’t have the time or money for it. After researching alternatives, I decided to go with raised garden beds. With the help of my fiance, the bed was assembled in no time using galvanized tin and wood for the posts. We found free sand to help with filling and purchased bags of soil to fill the rest. After doing this and calculating the cost, which was less than leveling the yard but more than I’d initially anticipated, I knew I needed an alternative for the other beds.

To create the other garden bed, I purchased garden kit blocks for $2.50 each and upcycled cedar plank boards that we had after remodeling the bathroom and then changing my mind. Spare me your judgment. Remodeling is stressful. I purchased $40 worth of soil to fill and then planted climbers (cantaloupe, watermelon, and cucumbers, etc.).
There is still enough space to add another bed, but I’m still trying to figure out what else to plant. I don’t want to have a garden that has fruit and veggies that we don’t eat, so I’m thinking about trying my hand at planting lettuce and kale.

There’s still so much to do, but at least I’ll get to harvest a few fruit and veggies. The next few phases would be to straighten and tidy up the area by adding mulch, removing the remaining chain link fence to plant fruit trees (we got lemon, peach, and fig), and uprooting the last of the invasive bamboo. I’d also like to perhaps add a sitting area and add shelving to the garage wall for a herb garden. And finally, find some stylish way to keep these two culprits out.

Daenel T.
April 28, 2019 at 9:30 pmMy grandma used to have gardens at both her house in the city and in the country. I remember her getting off work during the week and going out to “play in the dirt”, then she and my granddad would head to the country on the weekends so she could do more of the same. That was her life and she loved it. I wish I had her green thumb, because I’d certainly start a garden. I’m wishing you all the best with yours. Have fun.
April 29, 2019 at 6:31 amI’ve been wanting to do a garden for, forever but it just seems like so much work and I’m not sure if I’m ready for it. My sister started her garden at her house last year and she would bring me some veggies and they were so much better than the grocery store. It’s why I prefer the farmer’s market as well. All of that to say that I hope that I start a garden on of these days. Also hope that you continue to update us on your progress!
April 29, 2019 at 8:36 amI think you’re off to a good start, even though I know absolutely nothing about gardens! Lol I think it’s the fact that you’ve actually started that’s inspiring. I’ve always wanted a garden myself and when I finally get the time, I’m going to commit to this task myself. My daughter has been taking a gardening class at her after school program for the last few years. I was amazed that she was able to actually grow a radish, which she brought home and encouraged me to eat. Maybe she could teach me a thing or two.
Amanda Nicole
May 9, 2019 at 7:16 pmIN LOVE! This is my goal, a garden! Grow some rosemary so I can take some when I come to Louisiana!
May 23, 2019 at 11:05 amLOL! I got you.
I’ve already set up the herb wall and rosemary is plentiful.
Mia J
May 30, 2019 at 5:34 pmI’m so in love with this ! But you know I don’t have a green thumb…. I killed the cactus and this little plant a coworker gave me on my desk, lol. 🙁