It has been an interesting week so far. This week, both babies are at school for the entire week. I still need to be a little more strict when it comes to bedtime, but they are doing well with getting ready in the mornings. My son is adjusting better than I expected to Pre-K and my daughter loves her class (aside from the kid cutting her hair). I’ve gotten the chance to meet my children’s teachers who are so passionate about what they do which makes my time away from them so much easier to bare.

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Mommy returned this week as well. For a while, I had been trying to figure out how I would return to finish my Master’s once I accepted my job at Big Blue considering the fact that majority of our classes are in the daytime. For the most part, we are the only department at Southern University that does not have evening classes. Supposedly, this is generally because most of the graduate student body are students from India that solely rely on the public transportation system. Supposedly. I have my own theories. Since the buses apparently stop running at a certain time, class times are catered to when they can be on campus to attend class. It’s not fair, but majority rules. Tuh.

But ya’ll know how I am. You all know that if I want something, I WILL find a way. Out of all of the professors that I emailed to see if I could attend class remotely or submit my assignments without physically being there, only ONE agreed, and he was all I needed. I’ve been hearing how there will be more class offerings at different times in the upcoming year so I’m definitely looking forward to that and getting one step closer to completing my graduate degree. I’ll probably be a graduating a semester later than what I expected, but at least I’ll get it done.. because I will get it done. Nevertheless, I loved my first week of class as well. My professor is so passionate about Artificial Intelligence that I find myself looking forward to attending the class sessions.


Our mornings are getting much more smoother and I’m adjusting really well to the Corporate-Mommy-Student role. I am much more organized and procrastination is really at an all-time low. Life is so different now–my perspective, my strength. It’s amazing how things can turn around so quickly considering how I was feeling last week. It’s amazing how God can turn things around completely.

To my Mommy-Students, my Mommies who have students, to my readers who are students – Have you all adjusted to returning to school? And this traffic? UGH!

Thursday Sessions
And They Did
They Always Will
  1. CeCe @Pink Sunshine

    August 22, 2013 at 6:56 pm

    Some of the K-12 schools have started and the Community Colleges are back in session but the traffic nightmare starts after the Universities and the rest of the schools start up again after labor day. Not looking forward to it.

  2. Evani

    August 23, 2013 at 11:05 am

    His smile is just TOO precious! And good luck with balancing school and work, I commend you! I’m never surprised by the amount of perseverance and hard work Moms are willing to put in, it truly is astounding.

  3. Josie

    August 24, 2013 at 7:17 pm

    Wow. Can I just say that I admire you. You have alot on your place and you are handling it with so much grace! Your children look lovely and I am glad they are adjusting well to school. You got this. Just be really organized, and try to keep a schedule. There will be some sacrifices, lost sleep, etc but keep your eye on the prize.

  4. Chanel Jibal

    August 26, 2013 at 8:08 pm

    Your kids are too adorable. Cheers on back to school for everyone. I have always thought new school years were very exciting and I miss it.

  5. Kay

    August 27, 2013 at 7:19 pm

    That’s good that things are looking up for you. Stay focused and keep those goals in site.

    My daughter won’t start school until September the 4th. AND her school is 1 block away. AND the entrance to the parkway is three blocks away and five exits away from classes. Did I strike goal or what?!

  6. Chinye

    August 31, 2013 at 11:20 am

    Your kidsa are adorable. Great job!

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